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Navigating the New Normal: A Forrester Case Study Webinar with Rowing Blazers

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Navigating the New Normal: A Forrester Case Study Webinar with Rowing Blazers

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Navigating the New Normal: Driving Business Growth with Cross-Border E-Commerce Webinar

With an increasing number of consumers shopping online as a result of the pandemic, e-commerce is positioned to continue growing within the retail sector. As retail businesses adapt to the ‘new normal’ where online shopping plays a central role, brands are discovering that cross-border e-commerce offers the opportunity for considerable business growth, particularly during unexpected market disruptions.

This webinar will present different perspectives on the critical role of cross-border e-commerce, and will feature three expert speakers in online retail including Forrester Senior Analyst Lily Varon, Flow Commerce CEO Rob Keve, and Head of eCommerce & Marketing Katelyn Glass from Rowing Blazers, a leading American fashion and lifestyle brand.

The webinar will present Forrester’s latest research on global e-commerce and will examine Rowing Blazer’s international e-commerce strategy and their decision to partner with Flow to ensure cross-border success.

Attendees will come away from the presentation with:

  • Insights into the development of the global e-commerce market and trends driving cross-border growth
  • Recommendations for a successful cross-border approach no matter if your business is in survival mode, adaptive mode, or growth mode
  • Best practices for cross-border selling that increases customer acquisition and drives demand for goods in global markets
  • Actionable steps for launching and optimizing a cross-border e-commerce strategy to achieve global business goals

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Navigating the New Normal: Driving Business Growth with Cross-Border E-Commerce Webinar

With an increasing number of consumers shopping online as a result of the pandemic, e-commerce is positioned to continue growing within the retail sector. As retail businesses adapt to the ‘new normal’ where online shopping plays a central role, brands are discovering that cross-border e-commerce offers the opportunity for considerable business growth, particularly during unexpected market disruptions.

This webinar will present different perspectives on the critical role of cross-border e-commerce, and will feature three expert speakers in online retail including Forrester Senior Analyst Lily Varon, Flow Commerce CEO Rob Keve, and Head of eCommerce & Marketing Katelyn Glass from Rowing Blazers, a leading American fashion and lifestyle brand.

The webinar will present Forrester’s latest research on global e-commerce and will examine Rowing Blazer’s international e-commerce strategy and their decision to partner with Flow to ensure cross-border success.

Attendees will come away from the presentation with:

  • Insights into the development of the global e-commerce market and trends driving cross-border growth
  • Recommendations for a successful cross-border approach no matter if your business is in survival mode, adaptive mode, or growth mode
  • Best practices for cross-border selling that increases customer acquisition and drives demand for goods in global markets
  • Actionable steps for launching and optimizing a cross-border e-commerce strategy to achieve global business goals
Solutions Overview Page Resource

Navigating the New Normal: Driving Business Growth with Cross-Border E-Commerce Webinar

With an increasing number of consumers shopping online as a result of the pandemic, e-commerce is positioned to continue growing within the retail sector. As retail businesses adapt to the ‘new normal’ where online shopping plays a central role, brands are discovering that cross-border e-commerce offers the opportunity for considerable business growth, particularly during unexpected market disruptions.

This webinar will present different perspectives on the critical role of cross-border e-commerce, and will feature three expert speakers in online retail including Forrester Senior Analyst Lily Varon, Flow Commerce CEO Rob Keve, and Head of eCommerce & Marketing Katelyn Glass from Rowing Blazers, a leading American fashion and lifestyle brand.

The webinar will present Forrester’s latest research on global e-commerce and will examine Rowing Blazer’s international e-commerce strategy and their decision to partner with Flow to ensure cross-border success.

Attendees will come away from the presentation with:

  • Insights into the development of the global e-commerce market and trends driving cross-border growth
  • Recommendations for a successful cross-border approach no matter if your business is in survival mode, adaptive mode, or growth mode
  • Best practices for cross-border selling that increases customer acquisition and drives demand for goods in global markets
  • Actionable steps for launching and optimizing a cross-border e-commerce strategy to achieve global business goals
Solutions Overview Page Resource

About Flow Commerce

Proin sapien ipsum, porta a, auctor quis, euismod ut, mi. Proin viverra, ut   sit amet ultrices semper, ligula arcu tristique sapien, a accumsan nisi mauris ac eros. Sed libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed aliquam, nisi quis porttitor congue, elit erat euismod orci, ac placerat dolor lectus quis orci. Nullam sagittis. Fusce fermentum. Pellentesque dapibus hendrerit tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc nec neque. Praesent congue erat at massa. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Duis lobortis massa imperdiet quam. Praesent congue erat at massa. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium a accumsan nisi mauris ac eros.
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